Motel-style:Gina @ [use rep code:SMAC312 for 20% off] priced:$70 paid:$56 w. repcode!
I absolutely adore this dress because it's not only long sleeved which is great for a chilly night in Chicago but the gold detailing is so pretty and feminine.The color of the dress is perfect for the theme of red and love. Something about this bright red and gold just makes the dress pop and it is shoulder padded for the warning. If you do not like it, remove it with scissor like I did. I do not like shoulder pads because they make me look like a mini football player. This dress also reminds me of a matador. You can find this dress in black on or you can go to and find it in blue and purple. They also have another Motel dress in black with a gold floral heart detailing in front of the dress, which is also another lovely alternative. I love Motel dresses and every girl should own one <3

back of the dress is V cut
If you ladies don't know but I love lace, why? because it's so feminine and sensual. The front detailing is what got me because it looks like a heart and it has this color accent of pink, black, and white. The heart detailing is perfect for the theme of love and hearts. The dress itself is lace all around with a zipper back. I do not know if this dress is still available but AKIRA Black Label itself has a variety of dresses you can browse through. Maybe you will find something similar or even lacier!
do you see the heart <3
AKIRA-style:rose swirl tube @ AkiraChicago;Bucktown [on sale in store] priced:$48.90 paid:$38
This dress itself is super plain at first, but if you look closer at the dress. It is detailed all around with swirl of roses. What a great theme as well because every girl would be expecting to receive a bouquet of them. The mid section of the dress is the same as the rim of the dress and I figured throwing on a thick red belt or pink will make the dress stand out or throw a red shawl over it will bring some color to the dress. Tube top dresses works wonder for petite body like mine because it gives the illusion that I have some bust =P
closer look at the roses
AKIRA-style:color blocks one shoulder @ AkiraChicago;Bucktown [on sale in store] priced:$48.90 paid:$38
This dress has all the colors of Valentine's Day written all over it. It is a cut out one shoulder dress and I am a sucker for one shoulder dresses. It starts off at the top being white then goes to taupe,pink and ends in red. The dress is a bandage dress, therefore I went a size up and got it in a Medium when I'm usually a Small.
Links: [use RepCode for 20% off: SMAC312] *their customer service is great! shipping is standard and on time!*
k k until next time, smile and be happy =D
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