Yesterday and today was the only days that you can get a Free phone with upgrade from I went in the store last night in downtown after work and there was hella people and a sign in sheet just to speak to a sales rep. I went home and told my mom what a freaking awesome deal it was to get a 4G smart phone for free and only have to pay for the internet service which is $30 a month for 2 years which just equals out to be $720 that I would be paying out of my own pocket. I finally convinced her and I went into the store by my house today and I got a even better deal there. I upgraded my family plan to 3,000 mins with unlimited text for $109 and each additional line is $5 each and internet package is $20 and a case and screen protector for $20! HOLY MOTHER OF VALENTINE! =D But I really would of not been able to get such a good deal if my mama didn't agree to upgrading the phone and for that I am so blessed to have such an awesome mom. I am not a spoiled brat nor do I ask my mom for money. She knows how much I've been wanting a smart phone for all these new business and projects I am taking on and I can not wait to utilize my phone to the max but first I must master on how to even work the phone because I've been so tied to my blackberry that I do not know how to work any other phones. I feel like such a noob. If anyone knows of any good apps I should download or want to skype me or video chat with me my user name is SandyBigMac

My first picture with the MyTouch in the setting "Twilight"
The phone came in that black case and I bought a screen cover and plastic cover as well for $20 in purple! <3 purple and white
This is how the phone looks like when it's put together. LOOVEEE IT! still a noob at this new smart phone gadget. TANGO ME! =D (its like facetime)
k k until next time =D
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